My #UKYP22 Voting Record

Sun, Jul 24, 2022

Read in 4 minutes

Voting Record from Annual Conference 2022.

My #UKYP22 Voting Record

Motions can be read here.

I have put the number of the motion, name of the motion and how I voted.

  1. A Curriculum for Life - For

  2. Mental Health Services - For

  3. Transport - For

  4. Mental Health in Schools - For

  5. The Climate Crisis - For

  6. Mental Health Education - For

  7. Votes at 16 - Against (if votes were introduced for 16-17 year olds, the UKYP would be irrelevant)

  8. Anti-Discrimination Education - For

  9. Green Schools - For

  10. Promoting Diversity - For

  11. Mental Health Funding - For

  12. Standardized Minimum Wage - Abstain (for the reason that small businesses and the high street would suffer, however 16-18 y/o deserve to be payed equal amounts for equal jobs) 

  13. Careers Advice - Abstain (not in the current economic problem)

  14. Knife Crime - For

  15. LGBTQ+ Inclusivity (My Motion) - For

  16. Healthy Relationship Education - For

  17. Youth Councils - For

  18. Plastic Waste - For

  19. Free Education - Against (Money concerns)

  20. Uniform - For

  21. Recycling and Waste Management - For

  22. Homelessness - For

  23. Vaping - For

  24. Child Food Poverty - For

  25. Animal Welfare - For

  26. A Diverse Curriculum - For

  27. Invisible Disabilities - For

  28. Tacking Racism and Hate Crimes - For

  29. Education for Life/Post 16 - For

  30. Education and Poverty - For

  31. Tacking Bullying - For

  32. Youth Voice in Mental Health - For

  33. Mental Health Stigma - For

  34. Spiking - For

  35. Care Leavers - For

  36. Sexual Harassment - For

  37. Violence against Women and Girls - For

  38. History Education in Northern Ireland - For

  39. Employment Gap - For

    - All motions from now were voted online without debate -

  40. Transport in the Isle of Wight - For

  41. Minority Language Rights - Abstain

  42. Reading for Pleasure - For

  43. Lough Neagh - Abstain

  44. Young Refugees - For

  45. Protest and Peaceful Assembly - For

  46. Green Spaces - For

  47. Youth Voice - For

  48. Mental Health Services (Northern Ireland) - Abstain

  49. Lad Culture - For

  50. Job Creation in Rural Areas - Abstain

  51. Democratic Schools - For

  52. LGBTQ+ in Education - For

  53. Sexual Education (Northern Ireland) - Abstain

  54. Youth Councils (Wales) - For

  55. Increasing Youth Democracy - For

  56. First Aid - For

  57. Early Mental Health Intervention - For

  58. Banking Investments into Fossil Fuels - For

  59. Classism in Universities - For

  60. Optional Period Leave - For

  61. Support Services for the Survivors of Sexual Harassment - For

  62. Disability Equality Legislation - For

  63. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - For

  64. Period Equality - For

  65. Rural Infrastructure - For

  66. Funding Youth Services - For

  67. Young Workers' Rights (Northern Ireland) - Abstain

  68. Recognise Palestine as a State - For

  69. Talking about Poverty in School - For

  70. Exam Standards - For

  71. Rewilding - For

  72. Barnahus Model (Scotland) - Abstain

  73. Financial Education - For

  74. Protect Nature - Against (As much as I agree with the motion, I wish I could support it. However, it says ‘Ban the destruction of natural forest and wildlife for any purpose in order to protect nature’, which I cannot support. For me to support this motion, the wording should be changed to ‘heavily reduce’.)

  75. Nightlife Safety for Women - For

  76. Impact of Discrimination on Mental Health - For

  77. COVID-19 and BAME Young People’s Unemployment - For

  78. Eating Disorders - For

  79. Online Safety / Social Media Platforms - For

  80. Growing Fresh and Local - For

  81. School Curriculum Decisions - Against (While I agree that Students should have a larger say in their education, schools don’t have the funding to retrain staff annually, or get rid of all their staff, for each cohort of students. I do agree with the rest of this motion.)

  82. British Sign Langauge (Scotland) - Abstain

  83. Transport Fares and Inequality - For

  84. UK Complicity in Human Rights Abuses - For

  85. Freedom of Individuality - For

  86. Legislative Change to Protect Victims of Revenge Porn - For

  87. Youth Safety and Empowerment - For

  88. Child Abuse - For

  89. Bereavement Support - For

  90. Bursary for Student Carers - For

  91. Mosquito Devices - For

  92. A Circular Economy - For

  93. Nutrition - For

  94. Data Literacy - For

  95. Stand with Uyghurs - For

  96. Green Transport - For

  97. Support 16 Days of Action to End Violence Against Women - For

  98. Phones in Schools - For

  99. Breaking the Chain: Knife Crime - For

  100. School Funding Cuts - For

  101. Raise the Minimum Age for Recruitment to Military - For

  102. Religious Dietary Requirements - For

  103. Religiously-Motivated Discrimination - For

  104. Condemning Immigration Raids - Abstain

  105. Outdoor Learning - For

  106. Pet Passport Scheme - For

  107. Helping Low Income Families - For

If you would like to discuss how I voted, please email me on

Updated 27/07/22 Added Motions 40 - 107